Terms and Conditions of Travel-Mates
Travel-Mates provides a platform to help users plan their trips and connect with other travelers.
1 Scope
1.1 These terms and conditions, which are subject to occasional changes, apply to all our services that are made available directly or indirectly (ie via third parties) via the Internet, on mobile devices, by e-mail or by telephone.
1.2 By using our website, you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy, including the use of cookies.
2. Services
2.1 The Travel Mates website gives users the ability to plan routes, connect with travelers, and write reviews and reports.
2.2 The service of Travel-Mates.com refers to the provision of an online platform.
3. Travel Mates member area
3.1 Users have the opportunity to participate in the Travel Mates Community (hereinafter “Community”) and / or create a personal account. After registering in the members area, users can publish their own generated content and actively shape the further development of the platform via the administration functions. Unregistered users can read this content on Travel-Mates.com for free.
3.2 Use of the members area gives users the opportunity to manage and save their routes. When creating the account, users are asked to provide personal information. Apart from the username, no personal information is displayed.
3.3 Multiple registration is prohibited. The user has to ensure the correctness and completeness of the given information about his person.
3.4 The user ensures the confidentiality of his customer account data, in particular his password. He is responsible to both Travel-Mates.com and third parties for the use of his account. The customer account data may not be provided by the user to third parties.
3.5 In the event of unauthorized use of Travel-Mates.com, services using a false username and password, the registered user must immediately notify Travel-Mates.com there of.
4. Duties of the users
4.1 The user is responsible for the acquisition of the rights to the content provided by him on Travel Mates (texts, photos, ratings, links, etc.). He ensures that he has all the rights regarding the content he has provided for publication on the platform of Travel-Mates.com and thereby no rights of third parties are violated.
4.2 The User undertakes not to use Travel-Mates’ offer to post content that:
• the advertisements are camouflaged as ratings or comments,
• serve the purpose of collecting or using personal data of other users for particular business purposes.
• have no specific content related to the assessed object,
• violate the rights of third parties, in particular copyrights,
• Viruses or other computer programs that could damage software or hardware or interfere with the use of computers,
• intentionally untrue or unobjective,
• are pornographic, immoral, or otherwise objectionable
• in other ways violate applicable laws or meet a criminal offense,
• are chain letters or surveys.
4.3 The user agrees to Travel Mates not to use any programs or features to automatically generate page views or content on Travel Mates.
4.4 In the event of a breach of the General Terms and Conditions, Travel Mates also reserves the right to remove content from users without giving reasons and to exclude members permanently from Travel Mates. The right to display criminal facts of any kind remains unaffected.
5. Termination
5.1 Travel Mates reserves the right to terminate the user account without notice and / or deny the user access to the website without giving any reason. The user also has the option to have his account deleted at any time.
6. Liability
6.1 Travel Mates is not liable for the accuracy, quality, completeness, reliability or credibility of the content posted by users. In particular, in the selection of routes and places no advice or information by Travel Mates.
6.2 Travel Mates does not verify the accuracy of the content provided by the members of the community. This content is provided by the community with reference to the respective place for publication on our homepage. Travel Mates has no control over this information (in particular pictures, comments, ratings, etc.). Travel Mates does not express any opinions expressed by Travel Mates, in particular Travel Mates does not adopt this content as its own.
6.3 In particular, hyperlinks, banners, information on types of accommodation, excursion destination or provider data and the like, Travel Mates are provided by our booking sites and members of the community and do not constitute a recommendation or information from Travel-Mates. For technical reasons, we do not update the us Booking pages notified prices in real time. Therefore, it can not be ruled out that the price shown on the booking pages will no longer correspond to the price stated on the pages of Travel Mates. Travel Mates assumes no liability for the accuracy of the information, in particular the prices and availability.
6.4 Travel Mates is not liable for technical faults or for damage caused by force majeure. Travel Mates assumes no responsibility for the uninterrupted availability of data and can carry out technical work for a specific period of time. It is also possible that Travel Mates ceases to operate at any time and the website is no longer accessible.
7. Modification of the Terms and Conditions
The current terms and conditions of Travel Mates apply. Registered users receive notification of changes via e-mail. Users can also download and print the current General Terms and Conditions on their own computer system.
8. Choice of law and jurisdiction
The law of the Federal Republic of Germany. The place of jurisdiction is Darmstadt with respect to merchants or persons who do not have a general German place of jurisdiction. Incidentally, the legal jurisdiction applies. The German version has priority.